About Us
Bereavement and Grief Support
Compassionate, nondenominational help for families and individuals dealing with death of a loved one:
- Bereaved Families of Ontario (BFO)
- The BFO’s affiliates in Halton-Peel
- Consumer Information Guide – Bereavement Authority of Ontario (thebao.ca)
Government Resources
Government agencies providing various forms of survivor benefits following a death:
- Canada Pension Plan
It is important to apply for Canada Pension Plan benefits when your parent, spouse, or common-law partner dies. If you don’t, you may lose benefits you are entitled to receive. - Veterans Affairs Canada
Resources for the families of deceased Canadian Armed forces members includes information about Death Benefit, Canadian Forces Income Support, Funeral and Burial Assistance and Benefits for Survivors (of Disability Pension Recipients). - Workplace Safety and Insurance Board
Family members who depended on the earnings of someone who has died could receive survivor benefits. Check the WSIB Survivors benefits guide for more information.
Financial Assistance
You could qualify for financial assistance from one of the programs listed below.
- Last Post Fund – Funeral and Burial Program
Funeral, burial and grave marking benefits for eligible Veterans. - Employment Insurance Compassionate Care Benefits
Compassionate care benefits are paid to persons who have to be away from work temporarily to provide care or support to a family member who is gravely ill with a significant risk of death.